
Quand Marketkaps encourage aux financements européens


Quand Marketkaps encourage aux financements européens Par Laurence Bottero  |  16/10/2019, 19:59  | financements européens | Lire l'article original Installé à Sophia Antipolis, ce cabinet s'est spécialisé dans le montage de demandes de financement pour les projets R&D. Un sujet méconnu des entreprises, lesquelles ne savent pas toujours comment faire… pour faire bien. Alors même que le financement [...]

Quand Marketkaps encourage aux financements européens2021-01-28T17:40:04+01:00

Marketkaps, expert des montages de projets européens et Aleo Finances au service des financements publics et privés des startups et PME.


Antibes & Bruxelles, le 8 octobre 2019 - Marketkaps, expert des montages de projets européens  et Aleo Finances, spécialiste des financements publics dilutifs et non-dilutifs annoncent le lancement d’une offre commune à destination des Startups et PMEs au plan national. Ensemble, Marketkaps et Aleo Finances souhaitent promouvoir tous les dispositifs de financements et de subventions [...]

Marketkaps, expert des montages de projets européens et Aleo Finances au service des financements publics et privés des startups et PME.2021-01-28T17:35:50+01:00

Projets H2020, quelques recommandations pour convaincre la Commission Européenne.


Projets H2020, quelques recommandations pour convaincre la Commission Européenne : Les projets européens H2020 EIC Accelerator Pilot (SME Instrument Phase 2) sont devenus incontournables dans la vie des entreprises pour se pencher sérieusement sur leurs stratégies, innovations et développement commercial afin d’anticiper les besoins de financement futurs. Avec la popularité grandissante de ces programmes de [...]

Projets H2020, quelques recommandations pour convaincre la Commission Européenne.2021-01-29T09:50:16+01:00

EU and Singapore: accelerating digital transformation and delivering value


By GERTRUD INGESTAD WED, MAY 15, 2019 - 5:50 AM It is a pleasure for me to visit Singapore, one of the world's most forward-looking, dynamic and innovative hubs. Singapore embraces change and has been constantly re-inventing itself for so many years as a trailblazer in the area of digital government. On May 16, I [...]

EU and Singapore: accelerating digital transformation and delivering value2021-01-28T17:36:11+01:00

Financer son projet Blockchain dans un contexte crypto en pleine mutation : L’IEO (Initial Exchange Offering)


En quelques mois, Singapour est devenu l’une des premières places de la blockchain mondiale. Dans le même temps, l’investissement dans les ICO a changé et a évolué vers des projets et des entreprises plus matures. Les ICO aujourd’hui lèvent plus d’argent et plus rapidement que l’an dernier mais ces opérations restent réservées aux sociétés qui [...]

Financer son projet Blockchain dans un contexte crypto en pleine mutation : L’IEO (Initial Exchange Offering)2021-01-28T17:36:35+01:00

According to CoinMarketCap (2018 Edition)


From CarylyneCMC November 27, 2018 It’s almost the end of 2018, and here at CoinMarketCap we’re thinking of ways we can round up this tumultuous and exhilarating year. In the spirit of sharing, we’ve put together our 2018 Edition of “According to CoinMarketCap” – that phrase you see in media reports everywhere – telling you what [...]

According to CoinMarketCap (2018 Edition)2021-01-28T17:36:47+01:00

Are STOs the Step in the Right Direction for Crypto?


By GUEST USER · DECEMBER 26, 2018: https://www.livebitcoinnews.com/are-stos-the-step-in-the-right-direction-for-crypto/ The ICO boom,  together with Bitcoin and other altcoins’ price explosion in 2017 rode the success of Ethereum, the go-to platform for a majority of blockchain projects. However, the regulatory concerns of authorities like the SEC over a number of fraud incidences has put a question mark over the future of [...]

Are STOs the Step in the Right Direction for Crypto?2021-01-28T17:37:00+01:00

Security Tokens Don’t Solve The Regulatory Mess of Utility Tokens


They instead cause infinite more problems to worry about by Petros Ring Itcame out recently that ICOs by size were equivalent to 45% of IPOs created in the Q2 of 2018¹. These mostly unregulated securities offerings were growing exponentially, yet many of them are now private deals done with large institutional investors for the sake of making [...]

Security Tokens Don’t Solve The Regulatory Mess of Utility Tokens2021-01-28T17:37:11+01:00

UAE To Gain Dominance With The Adoption Of ICO Regulations, Says Expert


From https://coinpedia.org/news/uae-adoption-ico-regulations/ With the adoption of ICO regulations, the UAE is all set to join the ranks of top global financial markets regulators of crypto-assets. With the proposed rules for initial coin offerings to be concluded by 2019, the UAE will join the ranks of top global financial markets. According to an expert, it will also be [...]

UAE To Gain Dominance With The Adoption Of ICO Regulations, Says Expert2021-01-28T17:37:21+01:00

The Growing Popularity And Worth Of The Initial Exchange Offering


By  Clemen Chiang Ph.D. | CEO | Investor | FinTech in Stocks | Blockchain in Cryptos | Singapore The Initial Exchange Offering is a new approach to crypto-banking that is slowly catching the interest of ICOs and traders across the world. This new system provides a different type of exchange where the exchange acts as middle man [...]

The Growing Popularity And Worth Of The Initial Exchange Offering2021-01-28T17:38:13+01:00
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